Tuesday, 31 December 2013

We almost had it all..

The sweet moments of others, 
keep reminds me of us.
We really almost had it all..

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Bus ticket - 25 Oct 2008

Found this while doing housekeeping.
Don't know if you remember..that year, your birthday. You were in Melaka, and I decided to go celebrate with you - as a friend then?

At the end, God knows what happened.. the bus ticket was not utilize.
It is never gonna be used anymore, but the heart will always be remembered..


我是有血有肉的人, 是温暖的
说忘了就真的放了, 听到的人会知道我在说谎
我没有恨, 因为真的不是我
因为恨, 很累

忙得 我没时间去伤心

谢谢 那些一直不断提醒我
向前走的 家人 朋友

晚上睡前想你吗? 想
睡醒第一个在我脑袋里恍的是谁? 你
发生了什么有趣事, 第一个想分享的是谁? 你

但是 放过你
也 放过自己
我只能 不断的告诉自己
我曾经 爱过




Monday, 23 December 2013

I have been a little evil-ish today..
Cheeky, you call it =p

So many items on my To-Do-list

Was feeling ill today, went sleeping instead of going out for business.
It's always great having a person texting you, knowing there is a person there while you wake up ^_^

Below is my to-do-list, that needs to be done before year end..
1. To collect items back from LeeMei
2. To visit/give a call to my vendor in Kuchai Lama
3. To register my company with SSM
4. To visit dentist
5. To clean the mess I created at home (^_^)
6. Sending a gift that has been prepared for Aunty
7. Sending the "supposingly given out already" Angels for Aili (+_+)
8. Dye my hair - new look for new year (^0^)/

Fainted.. how to finish all in time leh..?

I want go sing K!
No one go out with me, and so I sing at home.

I youtube, and started with this..

曲婉婷 - 我的歌声里

But my brother said, "Nono, you shouldn't be listening this"
And he typed this..


High 起来了! Yeah!



One memorable night

The moments before drunken..for the first time in life.

Some really cute colleagues.。


I am in love with Maxi Dress <3

Good nite love.




Saturday, 21 December 2013

Merry Christmas

For the past 26 years of Christmas, I never had Christmas wishlist neither do I have a Birthday gift list. I believe that "More will come when we feel gratitude about life", hence why I never ask for things.

I have lose the belief before.
But now, I am holding onto it strongly.

Having said that, this year's Christmas I do wish to ask for a little more.
So, here it goes..

1. More laughters in the family, even during our downtimes. Being really thankful that we have been like that always. Just like this morning, all ambushed into my room and laughed at me of how I have been drunk. Thank GOD for loving me so much.

2. To help more people, so first I have got to help myself. To love myself, and not to do things that would hurt the little soul anymore. Sometimes downtimes are unavoidable, BUT I will continue to walk up :)
A friend said "Pain makes a person stronger. Congratz you are one level up now :)"
Good to have friends around for sure!

There are some items I wanted to get for myself too.. Hehe ^^

3. Panasonic NanoE Hair Dryer - EHNA30
I have never take good care of my hair, even blowing my hair is something redundant to me. 
Taking the first step treat myself better :)

4. Bungalow No. 9 Diffuser

This is the scent I am having now. Will hunt for a different ones for the new year :)

5. iPad mini

This is gonna comes in handy if I wanna show others my Swarovski Elements creations :)

Thank you for those who have walk with me along the path of hard times.
I am a strong girl, and I know I can handle it.

Merry Xmas! Ho Ho Ho!!




First time ever, I was so drunk.

I remember I cried extremely bad - non stop.
I vomited - in the office and on the way home.
I can't drive myself home.
I fell down from the chair, and still crying.
Hugged by Evelyn - the mama who keep telling me everything will be alright.

First thing I woke up.
I think of you.
Can't help it but just miss you so much.
Hence I called you.
No pick up. 
Call again and again.

I know you have had told her that you're home safe.
I know I'm no longer the person you would inform if you are out anymore.

And what I got is "You called just to ask me this?" - damn! why did I call you again?
After hung up, was thinking - you didn't even bother how have I been yesterday, why am I still calling you? I already mentioned I needed rescue. There wasn't a call or a text thereafter.

No more no more!
Searching for the Exit sign..

Friday, 20 December 2013

忘不记 Unforgettable


我知道 有另一个人

伤害 就是这样开始的
因为 没有拒绝

每一次 text 你
到最后 都是伤害了自己
因为 我要不就是发现
她是 你最后一个msg的人
你俩最后 见面了



Cheese and Chocolate 
Always my favourite <3

是该放手了 放掉我



我曾经 真的爱过

其实 我看到了 
你提起她时 眼里那闪烁
我想像着 你们之间那快乐
然后 想像着 你快乐的笑着

让一切的痛 在我这儿停止
她曾经 那么的受伤过
不能 再伤了

我? 我总是坚强得 让人心疼

我都是 先想了 别人 再想自己

这就是我 啊…

因为这样 老天爷 会厚待我的

喝茶只需兩個動作 —— 拿起和放下。




Tuesday, 17 December 2013


过了 充实的一个星期
发生的 有一点很快
Facebook.Instagram.Gmail.Business Mobile No.
Sticker for the Brand - Beads of Joy
Will go register the name by this week too

All are in my mind
I just need to get it done

Still thinking of you
and I do know things are happening well on your side

心 失去了重心
无时无刻 还是想起你
但我清楚知道 你心已不属于我

大概 以下这一篇会是最写实的吧?






我知道你身边 有她
你会有爱 你会快乐
我是这么想 来安慰自己的
她 现在自己一个人
三个人 继续痛苦
倒不如 一个人熬过去

所以我给予你们 我最大的祝福


其实 我也很渴望 爱情
希望 被人疼
时时刻刻有个人 在身边
叮咛我 教训我 带点爱的骂着我
只是 这一次
我又必须 stand on my own feet again

有时候 还是忍不住问了
为什么 那时的你不狠心点
那样 我不会这么痛

Monday, 9 December 2013


Dear bloggie,

I am real tired. Mentally and physically.
Of all the things.
I've resigned today.

Will get a good rest.
Tmr will be a better day =D

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Counting down - A little more than 48 hours

Went movie earlier..
Thought we would go for dinner first, as what we have communicated earlier.
He was late. I was thinking negatively again =(
I don't want to ask, he doesn't like it.
But obviously I failed, it was all over my face..

I can feel that he has so many of non-satisfaction over me..
He could not smile when he is with me.
He tried to tell me things happen in his office.
I smiled, but I am so tired...both mentally and physically.

Movie was good..it was about a story of 3 best friends.
I cried very badly..
Partly because the tearing triggered some not very good memories..
Wipe it off, continue to walk forward Joyce..

I saw her calling him..
Initially I was tired but no more because my heart was pumping fast again.
I can't recall what went through my mind then, but the feeling wasn't pleasant.
I hope you could say a little more to calm my anxious heart, and not being angry over my paranoia. I know I can't seem to be able to handle it, but you can calm me down dear..
Just that probably you are tired of having to calm me everytime already..

So, now I have to stand on my feet and be my own happiness.

To laugh over my days~

All the way from KL to Melaka..the trip took a little longer than usual.
I do hope things could stay like that for a little longer..

I enjoy your companionship.
Love you.
Need you.
Want you.

Just hope your heart could be here a little more =)

Friday, 6 December 2013

3 more days..

Only left 3 more days..
We are going Melaka tomorrow together, yay!

So far things are alright now..
We have not met for the past three 3days, whatsapp-ing has been good.

Somehow, I thought I should be thankful to her. It seems dear is treating me a little better =)

I am still a little paranoid. But all are good..
I want to focus on the positive.

Nope, not saying it.
And I believe dear would be able to sense it from her even if I don't tell..

Thank you my dear blog.. thank you for being here so I could at least express myself freely.
He sleeps pretty late yesterday.. I can't help but to think that he was chatting with her, even when he said it is Song and Min Chunn. But trusting him is better, it helps me feel better.

How? *breath in..breath out..

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The last few days

The whole morning the experience of you not loving me anymore but dragging me along for the past half a year is painful.. I wonder why I did not call it a stop yesterday.

The images of you being nice to her keep floating in my mind. This morning, the stupid mind is telling me that Kevin Saw bought the Durian Mooncake not only for myself but for her too..
I feel like smacking myself very very badly.

I didn't want to stop.
Somehow, I still can't help but want to have you in my life. 
You seem to be able to calm me.
You asked me to divert my attention to some other things.
You called me, and I released my fear with tears.

I am trying my very best to keep her out of our life - at least of mine.
I wanted to question you so much, but I did not.
Why did you start it?
Why wanna destroy my days with dear?
I want to just trust him with what he says..
Why you come disturb?

Dear questioned me yesterday, I didn't want to tell.
What you want me to tell?
Will you even trust me?
You both are still gonna see each other for like..the rest of your life. And if I tell, will it affect his emotions in the office?
And, what if she is pregnant and you both will meet, not only in the office but at home too.
I will keep it this time. Keeping it for his good.
Not that I haven't done that before.
Maybe it was me who think too much again, maybe it won't affect him at all.
As it is not gonna bother him anymore if I got hurt or not.
Life still goes on even I was hurt right.
It serves me right, for has done it wrong.
He doesn't have to live my life.

I don't want anything else now, but just to spend the last few days with dear.
HAPPILY *fingers crossed

Please, GOD, just grant me this wish.
It is a simple ones right?

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

I've gone a little crazy and berserk

The pain has reached to the peak..
After the incident last night.
Why let me know?

The nightmare in the morning..
"I was driving into a parking lot, suddenly the lights are all off.. I don't know if I should exit. By the time I wanted to get out, there's no way out alr.. gates are down. And there's a person standing out there laughing at me.."

I forced myself to open my eyes, but I could still hear the laughing; so loud.
Its terrifying, heart was pumping fast.
I can't get back to sleep..
I texted you. No reply..
I should've know..
Even that night, I'm there sleeping next to you.. I shake you, I wasn't being bothered.

I can't believe I have love you that much..
It was a little scary..
Of how it has affected me..
The whole morning I was thinking if I should stop it already, should we continue with Genting or Melaka? I feel like going to see Master. Scariest part is, I start searching MAS for Taiwan tickets again.

Pain, feels like crying the whole day.
How could a person hurt another person like this?
And I can't help but to blame myself for going through the pain again and again..
I don't feel like eating..
I feel like puking..

Enough, Joyce Wong!
Delete it. Delete it. Delete it.

It has come to a point where I know the only thing I could do now is to love myself.
Let myself happy...

Monday, 2 December 2013


六到十二个月, 知道你需要时间
你觉得 我还有能力
会不会 曾经有过别的女人

而我 刚刚用六到十二个月去忘了你

你要么 就现在要了我
要么 就永远失去我

抑或是 你已作了最坏打算



那么 我就不必害怕

为了你 跟所有男人
保持一段 距离
只为了 让你放心
原来 你已经不信我了

到头来 一场空 吗?

Just for you

Its the beginning of the end..
Its the start of the last month of 2013..
What is your wish?
I can do LOA - Law of Attraction, for you..
Like the appt u wanna have in a week, case closed, case size..
Also, to have a strong mind.
To be healthy.

我爱你 多于 爱自己

我的心 完全的被偷走了

你要我 爱自己多一些
要知道 心都在你那儿

你不会 让她承受这样的痛

我又再承受 多一次的痛呢?

我有多么的 害怕
你会和她 在一起
一定要 祝你幸福

你的嘴角是往上扬了 一下下

我似乎 看到了 你的心
我很希望 我看错了
你仍然 爱着我
我很希望 我们能一辈子


Sunday, 1 December 2013


那是不怎么正面的 感受
把不好的 都给拿掉了

我爱你 宝贝
永远 永远

不能 成夫妻
那么 但愿下一辈子
