Monday 14 April 2014

13th April 2014

A little too excited to sleep early tonite, besides of the little presents received today. Its also because I've got my first ever car towing experience today, close to midnight!    
And I have 3 entertainers to keep my head cool. Haha XD

Though tomorrow is gonna be a long day! Gotta wake up at 5.30am, and head straight to Bangi.

Oh oh, today too I joined an activity named "Hugs for Love". Its an interesting activity to understand a little more of Malaysians. The shy-ness in them while being offered a hug, and some gave me the inspiring happiness within them after hugs. Love it when I hear "God Bless you". People appreciate the good deeds you do, so continue doing! =D

Time to sleep!

Ps: Pictures to be uploaded tomorrow.

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