Friday 3 January 2014

I'm a mummy girl~

Went out with mom today..brought her to makan food she likes. I love hearing her laughters, it calms me down - nothing is more important than that she's happy and carefree.
Being brought up by her, we share many of the same values. Friend asked me to hate, I thought "Nah.. it doesn't work!". Mom asked me to bless.. she sees that we are not suited for each other, though I still think there's hope. She said "Maybe she's the one that is suited for him leh.."

Really, mom knows me best! ♡
Knowing the best way to get me moves on - always always be good to others =)
Never ever put on the blame when you don't even know who the person is.. *wonder wonder

It just struck me when I look at my credit card bill.. this month my cc again comes upto MYR XXXX++, mostly are presents for others. Mom's pressie also almost 500bucks liao, but am happy spending it - for the love ones. Buying things they heart~

But but.. the upcoming bill is gonna kill me!
Laptop is down, repair fee - RM 350
Servicing the car - I think bearing got problem liao. Engine needs some servicing. Gotta crack the mirror too, thank god under insurance coverage. Probably comes up to 1000bucks? I wanna repaint my car too =/
Angpow for the elderly - at least a good 1500.

Joyce Wong, you are one Wealthy Lady! Kena Toto, Lottery - gotta do LOA liao. Haha XD

Back to reality, gotta be more realistic.
Business Ong Ong! Beads of Joy, be good!

Good nite..with much love ♡♥

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