Today Mr Lim called for discussion.
This wasn't the important ones, the discussion after the meeting is. Lol.
The CC I know - Clarence & Cheok, the way they asked me made me reflect the whole conversation in another perspective. The flow:- Talking about personal stuff (5min) -> then went into the "what is my plan after leaving the job?" -> 'attacking on details' which could be:-
1. I have not think through on my future planning because I don't have a job yet
2. If I quit now, the sudden stop of cash flow which I totally agreed on. And definitely one of the reason I felt fearful. That is why, I have decided to secure a job within a month after walking out from current job.
-> the last two weapon that you have brought out
What is the benefits/plus points out of the conversation:-
1. No, I am definitely not joining Kevin immediately. Can't have unstable income. How I could have support him better is not to give him the pressure by taking off the money issue out from him.
2. As for beading, I will have to start it quick. Business proposal plan has got to be out. Now, NAME/LOGO/FACEBOOK acc/PICTURES/NAMECARDS will be First PRIORITY.
3. Talk to mummy. Let her understand, gives her comfort that I will definitely get a job within a month time.
How I felt throughout the conversation:-
1. I felt stronger/burning DESIRE to be in the sales line.
2. You actually bite your own words, on 2 incidents. One is, initially you asked me why not getting yourself to be as insurance agent. Two is, you are the one told us 2 months ago to follow our feelings in our career but now you asked me to think logically. I am young, I could have lose taken a different path but I lose more if I don't take the risk to do it now.
3. I have mentioned that I am very sure that I am no longer interested in the job, but it seems you have not listen it. Maybe..maybe.. you do not agree that I could have succeed being a sales person. But like what I have mentioned in my previous post, I have someone that have been supporting me and see me succeed.
Thank you for the sincere advices..
Call me selfish but I think my future is crucial as compared to anything now..
Last note:
I don't want to forget this thus penning it down..
My dear Kevin Saw,
Thank you for asking me to be firm before the talk.. And has always reminded me that things are not always rosy.
I now could have understand better that the sun doesn't shine on every part of the world. And when it is dark, I just gotta learn to see the little light in it.
I do reckon that there are things where you are at the upper hand, but what I am asking for is seeing you standing up for it. Just like last night.. <3
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