Sunday, 18 December 2016

Year end..

Flipping through to a new year very soon..
Sometimes there are still uncertainties but I am bless and grateful =)

Yes, there are sacrifices I have done but no regrets. Looking through notes, spending more time for knowledge, wisdom, I felt serene.

Sometimes, I am still being dumbfounded by many people, which is, actually pretty normal. Being at a higher level academically doesn't mean you being more superior than others in everywhere. It just mean you know A LITTLE BIT more than others.

Financially, hmm.. STABLE. and I found this not a good sign, as I am starting to slow down, putting in less effort into work again. Thinking back past two years, only I realized I have been working half-heartedly at the beginning years. Nothing seems impossible nowadays, as long its within the COC (Center of Control), HAHA XD
So pushing myself a little further, I am considering another house again. *crazy little bitch* I scolded myself. Will see how, with the 70% loan I can only get at current stage, and ZERO savings, I gotta save from scratch if I wanna buy that house in short time span.

The other half, a person who sometimes just don't love whole-heartedly. But I am still thankful to have him...

Christmas is around the corner, the crazy bunch of cousins are gathering. Too bad, I can't join them this time. Listening to the joyful Christmas rhythms, I....

I gotta go continue study for exam!!

Signing off
Love the world.PEACE