The transition to adulthood.. Life is ever changing, the one thing we can do is to always look at the bright side of it..
2016 just seem to be so perfect and its gonna continue to be =)
很搞笑, 我feel到我在你心里面是最特别那一个。哈哈哈😄 超不能忍受的自我感觉良好~~
希望你们幸福啦! 虽然一想到她 我还是觉得恶心 对不起啦 要怪 只能怪我知道得这么多
嗯 倘若你要我说实话呢 你和她 终究还是有缘无分 还是会擦身而过
宽恕 不是为了让你好过 而是要让自己放下了