You know what?
I still think i am not ready for it..
To be in a relationship.
I have been highly insecure, the feelings are not good.
I am with you
But I'm not sure if I love you
I guess i have not open up my heart
I'm afraid I never will
I don fall for any guys anymore
It is a clear line to all guys out there that "We are just only friends"
I have been forever doubtful of myself
But this time, I'm quite sure no one single man could capture my heart anymore.
Not even the one i used to love
That is now a stranger
I am having multiple mood swings
I could be laughing to myself at one moment, the next i can be crying.
I know I should let go.. its just not meant for me.
I'm happier spending time being single.
Read it right, its not about spending time being alone, its being single.
I felt myself being a burden to anyone, anyone at all that be with me.. I could not provide but only to demand.
You have been tolerating so much..
Its not your problem but mine to manage.. to be honest, I am sorry to have put you through all these.
Thank you so much for loving me.. but i seriously think I'm sucks at it, to love someone that is not my friends or family.