Monday, 21 September 2015


Feeling terribly bad.. for forgetting to buy you cake and celebrating your birthday.

Having too many tasks in hand, one after another - I forgot to buy cake to celebrate with you. Was rushing home for assignment after gathering and visiting Baby Javier.

Just cant believe the whole family forgot about it! How sad could he be😣

I believe in blowing candles on the day of birth date, gonna buy you a cake tmr.

I'm sorry my dear brother,
I love you
Happy birthday!
Wish you gain more wisdom and be more wise, great adventure ahead!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


无可否认的 我爱上了他
我爱他 因为他总为我设想

对他的爱 连旁人都看出来了

刚才 电话里 他说

我虽然知道 但听到了

谢谢你 为了我

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Breath and Keep Going

Taking a lil time off to write..
I had my some sort of 'dinner' before class yesterday, 2 slices of Massimo bread and soymilk!

There are just lots of things to do, application to Mybrain.. get the Uni Car Sticker, submit my medical report, delayed the delivery of my new bed and mattress.
Seriously, i just cant wait to move out. Its gonna save me so much time..

=with much expectations=

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

First day back at the University

A little too pack of a schedule..
I surrender.

No time to shit
No time to rest
Just keep going

Today mark the first day at university, taking the evening classes. Yes, gotta admit - i love education.
Happy to meet new friends, really.. knowing a person without too much of a thinking. I hope to just go with the flow at work, unfortunately i can't.
Like you, being a salesperson, have you trained yourself to be a friend to your customers?

Need more time to rest, and less traveling time.
Dream come true very soon!
